Figure 1. In a demo car rental application, we can capture and produce analytics on unique visitors to the rental website and mobile app and subsequent conversion rate. Run your mouse over the charts to see the number of visitors or conversion rate in each five minute interval.
Figure 2. We can compare actual pricing (dynamically set) to a scenario where you vary the static price presented to renters. For this data, you have renters from around 7am to 12pm that are relatively price insensitive to a daily rate of up to around $103, while you have renters earlier and later than that interval who are in general more price sensitive. Use the slider to vary the static price to see how this effects revenue during the day, and the total revenue collected in a 12 hour period.
Figure 3. Through A/B testing we can generate a demand curve, i.e. the average conversion rate over some time period vs. a price that is presented to a renter. Mouse over the graphs to see the revenue and average conversion rate for a 12hr period for a given static price.